image from the 2006 movie "The Meltdown," the second of the "Ice Ages" series. These movies attempted to present a picture of Earth during the Pleistocene. Of course, they were not supposed to be paleontology classes, but they did show the megafauna of the time (mammoths, sabertooth tigers, and others) and the persistent ice, as you see in the figure. The plot of "The Meltdown" was based on a real event: the breakdown of the ice dam that kept the Lake Agassiz bonded inside the great glaciers of the Laurentide, in the North American continent. When the dam broke, some 15,000 years ago, the lake flowed into the sea in a giant flood that changed Earth's climate for more than a thousand years. So, the concept of ice ages as related to climate change is penetrating the human memesphere. It is strange that it is happening just when the human activity is pushing the ecosystem back to a pre-glacial period. If it happens, it will be the greatest change seen on Earth in 30 million years
all know that there is permanent ice at Earth's poles: it forms glaciers and
it covers huge areas of the sea. But is it there by chance, or is it functional in some way to Earth's ecosphere?
the first to
ask this question was James Lovelock, the proposer (together with Lynn
Margulis) of the concept of "Gaia" -- the name for the great holobiont that regulates the planetary ecosystem. Lovelock has always been a
creative person and in his book "Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth" (1979) he reversed the conventional
view of ice as a negative entity. Instead, he proposed
that the permanent ice at the poles was part of the planetary homeostasis, actually optimizing the functioning of the ecosphere.
Lovelock was
perhaps influenced by the idea that the efficiency of a thermal engine is directly proportional to the temperature differences that a circulating fluid encounters. It may make sense: permanent ice creates large temperature difference between the poles and the
equator and, as a consequence, winds and ocean currents are stronger, and the "pumps" that bring nutrients everywhere sustain more life. Unfortunately, this idea is probably wrong, but Lovelock has the merit to have opened the lid on a set of deep questions on the role of permanent ice in the ecosystem. What do we know about this matter?
It took some time for our ancestors to realize that permanent ice existed in large amounts in the high latitude regions. The first who saw the Northern ice sheet was probably Eric the Red,
the Norwegian adventurer, when he traveled to Greenland around the year
1000. But he had no way to know the true extent of the inland ice, and he didn't report about them.
The first report I could find on Greenland's ice sheet is the 1820 "History Of Greenland", a
translation of an earlier report (1757) in German by David Crantz,
where you can find descriptions of the ice-covered inland mountains. By the early 20th century, the maps clearly showed Greenland as fully ice-covered. About Antarctica, by the end of the 19th century, it was
known that it was also fully covered with a thick ice sheet.
Earlier on, in the mid 19th century, Louis Agassiz had proposed a truly revolutionary idea: that of the ice age.
According to Agassiz, in ancient times,
much of Northern Europe and North America were covered with thick ice
sheets. Gradually, it became clear that there had not been just one ice
age, but several, coming and going in cycles. In 1930, Milutin Milankovich proposed that these cycles were
linked to periodic variations in the insulation of the Northern
Hemisphere, in turn caused by cycles in Earth's motion. For nearly a
million years, Earth was a sort of giant pendulum in terms of the extent of the ice sheet.
The 2006 movie "An inconvenient truth"
was the first time when these discoveries were presented to the general
public. Here we see Al Gore showing the temperature data of the past half million years.
even more radical idea about ice ages appeared in 1992 when Joseph
Kirkschvink proposed the concept of "Snowball Earth." The idea is that
Earth was fully covered by ice at some moment around 700-600 million
years ago, the period appropriately called "Cryogenian."
super-ice age is still controversial: it will never be possible to
prove that every square kilometer of the planet was under ice and there is some evidence that it was not the case. But,
surely, we are dealing with a cooling phase much heavier than anything
seen during relatively recent geological times.
more ice ages were discovered, it was also clear that Earth was
ice-free for most of its long existence. Our times, with permanent ice at the poles, are rather exceptional. Let's take a look at the temperatures of the past 65 million years (the "Cenozoic"). See this remarkable
image (click to see it in high resolution)
the beginning of the Cenozoic, Earth was still reeling after the great
disaster of the end of the Mesozoic, the one that led to the
disappearance of the dinosaurs (by the way, almost certainly not related to an asteroidal impact). But, from 50 million years ago onward,
the trend has been constant: cooling.
The Earth is now some 12
degrees centigrade colder than it was during the "warmhouse" of the
Eocene. It was still ice-free up to about 35 million years ago but, gradually, permanent ice started accumulating, first in the Southern hemisphere, then in the Northern one. During the Cenozoic, Earth never was so cold as it is now.
The reasons for the
gradual cooling are being debated, but the simplest explanation is that
it is due to the gradual decline of CO2 concentrations in the
atmosphere over the whole period. That, in turn, may be caused to a
slowdown of the outgassing of carbon from Earth's interior. Maybe Earth
is just becoming a little older and colder, and so less active in terms
of volcanoes and similar phenomena. There are other explanations, including the collision of India with Central Asia and the rise of the Himalaya that caused a drawdown of CO2 generated by the erosion of silicates. But it is a
hugely complicated story and let's not go into the details.
go back to our times. Probably you heard how, just a few decades
ago, those silly scientists
were predicting that we would go back to an ice age. That's an
exaggeration -- there never was such a claim in the scientific
literature. But it is true that the idea of a new ice age was floating
in the memesphere, and for good reasons: if the Earth had seen ice ages
in the past, why not a new one? Look at these data:
are temperatures and CO2 concentrations from the Vostok ice cores, in Antarctica (you may have seen these data in Al Gore's movie). They
describe the glacial cycles of the past 400,000 years. Without going
into the details of what causes the cycles (solar irradiation cycles
trigger them, but do not cause them), you may note how low we went in
both temperatures and CO2 concentrations at the coldest moments of the
past ice ages. The latest ice age was especially cold and associated
with very low CO2 concentrations.
Was Earth poised to slide down to another "snowball" condition? It cannot be excluded. What we know for sure is that during the past million years or so, the Earth tethered close to the snowball catastrophe every 100,000 years or so. What saved it from sliding all the way into an icy death?
There are several factors that may have stopped the ice from expanding all the way to the equator. For one thing, the sun irradiation is today about 7% larger than it was at the time of the last snowball episode, during the Cryogenian. But
that may not have been enough. Another factor was that the cold
and the low CO2 concentrations may have led to a weakening -- or even to a stop
-- of the biological pump in the oceans and of the biotic pump on land.
Both these pumps cycle water and nutrients, keeping the biosphere alive and well. Their near disappearance
may have caused a general loss of activity of the biosphere and, hence,
the loss of one of the mechanisms that removes CO2 from the atmosphere. So, CO2 concentrations increased as a result of geological emissions. Note how, in the figure, the CO2 concentration and temperatures are perfectly superimposable: the reaction of the temperature to the CO2 increase was instantaneous on a geological time scale. Another factor may have been the desertification of the land that led to an increase in atmospheric dust that landed on the top of the glaciers.
That lowered the albedo (the reflected fraction of light) of the system and led to a new warming phase. A very complicated story that is still being unraveled. But how close was the biosphere to total disaster? We will never know.
What we know is that, 20 thousand years ago, the atmosphere contained just 180 parts per
million (ppm) of CO2 (today, we are at 410 ppm). That was close to the survival limit of green plants and there is evidence of extensive
desertification during these periods. Life was hard for the biosphere during the recent ice ages, although not so bad as in the Cryogenian. Lovelock's idea that permanent ice at the poles is good for life just doesn't seem to be right.
course, the idea that we could go back to a new ice age was legitimate in the 1950s, not anymore as we understand the role of human activities on climate. Some people maintain that it was a good thing that humans started burning fossil hydrocarbons since that "saved us from a new ice age." Maybe, but this is a classic case of too much of a good thing. We are pumping so much CO2 into the atmosphere that our problem is now the opposite: we are not facing an "icehouse Earth" but a "warmhouse" or even a "hothouse" Earth.
A "hothouse Earth" would be a true disaster since it was the main cause of the mass extinctions that took place in the remote past of our planet.
Mainly, the hothouse episodes were the result of outbursts of CO2 generated by the enormous
volcanic eruptions called "large igneous provinces." In principle, human emissions can't even remotely match these events. According to some calculations,
we would need to keep burning fossil fuels for 500 years at the current
rates to create a hothouse like the one that killed the dinosaurs (but, there is always that detail that non linear systems always surprise you . . .)
considering feedback effects such as the release of methane buried in
the permafrost, it is perfectly possible that human emissions could
bring CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere at levels of the order of
600-800 ppm, or even more, comparable to those of the Eocene, when temperatures were 12 degrees higher than they are now. We may reach the condition called, sometimes, "warmhouse Earth."
From the human
viewpoint, it would be a disaster. If the change were to occur in a
relatively short time, say, of the
order of a few centuries, the human civilization is probably toast. We are not equipped to cope with this kind of change. Just think of what happened some 14,500 years ago, when the great Laurentide ice sheet in
North America fragmented and collapsed. (image source) (the 2006 movie "Meltdown" was inspired exactly by this event). Earth's climate went through a series of cold and warm spells that is hard to think we could survive.

survival concerns are legitimate, but probably irrelevant in the greater scheme of things. If we go back to the Eocene, the ecosystem
would take a big hit during the transition, but it would survive and then adapt to the new conditions. In terms of life, the Eocene has been described as "luxuriant." With
plenty of CO2 in the atmosphere, forests were thriving and, probably,
the biotic pump provided abundant water everywhere inland, even though the temperatures were relatively uniform at different latitudes. A possible
mental model for that period is the modern tropical forests of Central
Africa or Indonesia. We don't have data that would allow us to compare Earth's productivity today with
that of the Eocene, but we can't exclude that the Eocene was more productive in terms of life. Humans might well adapt to this new world, although their survival during the transition is by no means guaranteed.
Again, it seems that Lovelock was wrong when he
said that ice ages optimize the functioning of the biosphere. But maybe
there is more to this idea. At least for one thing, ice ages have a
good effect on life. Take a look at this image that summarizes the main
ice ages of Earth's long history
(image source)
interesting point is that ice ages seem to occur just before major
transitions in the evolutionary history of Earth. We don't know much
about the Huronian ice age, but it occurred just at the boundary of the
Archean and the Proterozoic, at the time of the appearance of the
Eucaryotes. Then, the Cryogenian preceded the Ediacaran period and the appearance of multicellular life that colonized the land.
Finally, even the evolution of the Homo Sapiens species may be related to the most recent ice age cycle. With the cooling of the planet and the
reduction of the extent of forested areas, our ancestors were forced to
leave the comfortable forests where they had lived up to then and take
up a more dangerous lifestyle in the savannas. And you know what it led
So, maybe there is something good in ice ages and, after all,
James Lovelock's intuition may have hinted at an important insight in
how evolution works. Then, there remains the question of how exactly ice ages drive evolution. Maybe they have an active role, or maybe they are
simply a parallel effect of the real cause that drives evolution, quite
possibly the increasing concentration of atmospheric oxygen that has
accompanied the biosphere over the past 2.7 billion years. Oxygen is the
magic pill that boosts the metabolism of aerobic creatures -- what
makes possible creatures like us.
In any case, it is likely that
ice ages will soon be a thing of the past on planet Earth. The effect of
the human perturbation may be moderate and, when humans will stop
burning fossil
hydrocarbons (they have to, one day or another) the system may reabsorb
the excess CO2 and gradually return to the ice age cycles of the past.
That may occur in times of the order of at least several thousand years, possibly several tens of thousands. But the climate is a
non-linear system and it may react by reinforcing the perturbation -- the results are unknowable.
we know for sure is that the cycle of Earth's ecosystem (Gaia) is
limited. We still have about 600 million years before the sun's
increasing brightness takes Earth to a different condition: that of "wet
greenhouse" that will bring the oceans to boil and extinguish all life
on the planet. And so it will be what it will have to be. Gaia is long-lived, but not eternal.